Project Specifications
Curious about the technical details of an Exemplary Buildings Program (EBP) project? Read the Spec Sheet for our Phase I projects.
What Participating Developers Get From EBP
- Air Sealing Offer from AeroBarrier & Tyvek.
- Seattle City Light funding.
- General program support and technical assistance via task force members and field experts.
- Access to open-source information, including design guidelines.
- A team that continues to search for additional funding and new partnerships.
How to Be Considered
HDC and the Exemplary Buildings Task Force are working hard to secure non-traditional, non-housing funds to support exemplary building cost premiums for our demonstration projects. Services and support offered include:
Wondering if or how your organization can take part in the Exemplary Buildings program?
First, read our Suitability & Readiness Indicators and the Memorandum of Understanding.
It is important to note that we require participating projects to agree to the project being entirely “open source” so that all learning can be leveraged for constant improvement.

High-level Steps in the EBP Demonstration Project Acceptance Process:
- Curious developer reviews the details and requirements of the program.
- If interested, developer submits an Initial Interest Form.
- Exemplary Buildings task force reviews interest form and if appropriate, schedules initial intake meeting to assess suitability and readiness.
- If commitment and readiness are demonstrated, project MOU will be signed.
- If commitment is demonstrated but some readiness requirements need to be addressed, the task force support team will work with developer to achieve readiness if feasible.
- Developer initiates integrative design process and receives assistance from Exemplary Buildings task force technical team.
- Exemplary Buildings task force coordinates available resources to allocate to the project.
- Agreements and contracts are finalized for support from applicable utilities such as Seattle City Light.
If your organization is ready to be considered for HDC’s Exemplary Buildings program:
Just download the Initial Interest Form for Affordable Housing Developers. Then email your completed form to us at [email protected].
Click here to download an informative and concise summary of HDC’s Exemplary Buildings Program.