Design charrettes are critical to one of the signature deliverables of HDC’s Exemplary Buildings Program: a series of guidelines that facilitate our sector’s ability to achieve Washington state’s building performance mandate before the 2031 deadline.
Our third charrette, which took place on July 22, 2020, zeroed in on solar integration.
( Check out the product of our first design charrette: “Guidelines for Wall Assemblies 1.0” )
Once again, the Exemplary Buildings task force members and participants defied conventional wisdom, allowing neither the challenges of social distancing nor the idiosyncracies of web conferencing to obstruct the creativity, intensity, and productivity that the charrette model is uniquely known for.
The virtual charrette on solar was expertly facilitated by task force member Steve Gelb of Emerald Cities Seattle and Casey Dilloway of A&R Solar. We’re grateful to charrette sponsors Bullitt Foundation and Edwards Mother Earth Foundation, whose support has helped us launch and grow this program.
PLEASE NOTE: These slides are preliminary inputs to the process that will yield published guidelines supporting full implementation. We will announce release of those guidelines soon.
The following images give you a small glimpse of the important work that took place.