Design charrettes are critical to one of the signature deliverables of HDC’s Exemplary Buildings Program: a series of guidelines that facilitate our sector’s ability to achieve Washington state’s building performance mandate before the 2031 deadline. Our third
Early Integrative Design Charrette: Presentation slides available
Design charrettes are critical to one of the signature deliverables of HDC’s Exemplary Buildings Program: a series of guidelines that facilitate our sector’s ability to achieve Washington state’s building performance mandate before the 2031 deadline. Our fourth
Balanced Ventilation with Heat Recovery Charrette: Updated presentation slides available
Our second design charrette took place on June 4, 2020. It zeroed in on a component that’s critical to achieving ultra-efficiency in new multifamily buildings: balanced ventilation and heat recovery.
Edwards Mother Earth Foundation awards Exemplary Buildings Program $70,000 to support “Best Practices Platform”
We’re deeply grateful to our friends at Edwards Mother Earth Foundation, champions of transformative solutions for the urgent, interrelated crises of equity, housing affordability, and climate change.
Just Released! “Guidelines for Wall Assemblies 1.0”
Several simple and cost-efficient common wall assembly designs suitable for ultra-efficient, affordable multifamily housing.
NYC and Seattle – The Country’s Climate Action “Bookends”
By Katrin KlingenbergExecutive Director and Co-Founder, Passive House Institute US, Inc. (PHIUS) On October 29th I was fortunate to attend the NYSERDA low carbon and zero energy Buildings of Excellence Awards at the Building Energy Exchange in
TOUR: Solis Apartments

On Thursday, HDC’s Practical Development Solutions Affinity Group hosted a Tour of Weber Thompson’s Solis Apartments, a multi-family Passive House project. Solis is a multi-family project set in the heart of Capitol Hill, featuring 45 apartments in
HDC Hosts Sanden Heat Pump Training
As HDC moves forward with its Exemplary Building Program, partners and allies supporting the work are keenly aware of the need to secure a trustworthy and cost-effective way to address domestic hot water. That’s why HDC partnered with Sanden
Exemplary Buildings Advance Equity

Exemplary Buildings aren’t just about energy and water savings. They can be about equity also. As the affordable housing community begins to develop exemplary buildings and to introduce new technologies to the sector, there is a need
Design for High-Performance Wall Assemblies

On October 21st, 2019 the Exemplary Buildings task force put together an all-day working session to develop standardized wall assemblies for the Exemplary Buildings Program. We were fortunate to be joined by Mark LaLiberte, nationally recognized building